Using psychology and modern business best-practices to manage change, lead IT transformation, and enable organizations to maximize ROI

Business and psychology consulting firm for Fortune 1000 organizations, Federal Government agencies, and major non-profits.
Executive Coaching
Leadership Development
Emotional Intelligence Workshops
Talent Interventions
Organizational Development
Personality Assessment
Process Design
Change Leadership

Six Sigma Process Design (DMADV)
For Cisco Systems, we designed new sales enablement and engagement processes that reduced lead time for customers to enter the Proof of Concept labs from 6 months to 6 weeks. These efforts leaned out the processes by over 80%, and affected over $1.5B in annual revenue and $4B in annual pipeline impact.
Business Transformation
For the Internal Revenue Service we led efforts to procure and launch a digital communications platform that affected over 100 audit processes. We designed new business processes, organizational behavior patterns, test pilots, and survey feedback loops for multiple Business Operating Divisions. Our transformation designs affected more than $2.5 Trillion dollars in annual taxpayer revenue, with over 140 million users.
Change Leadership
For the Internal Revenue Service we also led all aspects of change leadership and management, promoting consumption of digital services within the IRS and for the American taxpayer. This involved union labor negotiations, briefings to the IRS Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners, working with foreign Governments and economists for overseas taxpayers, and managing internal stakeholder expectations to ensure maximum change adoption.