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What We Do

Talent Management

Let's discuss your unique talent management challenges. This includes Talent Evaluation, On-boarding Design, Employee Engagement, Reward System Development, and Leadership Pipeline Development.

Leadership Development

Become known for developing the industry's best leaders. Services include Executive Coaching, Leadership Selection, virtual and on-site workshops.

Organizational Behavior

Need to manage change, identify unique occupational stress drivers, develop effective org structures, or drive employee motivation?



Let's not guess the answer. Let's figure out why. Assessment in areas of Personality, Emotional Intelligence, Group Polarization/Think, Leadership 360s, Talent Selection, and Action Plans.


“We hired Psyndesis to assess team performance in one of our high-pressure sales teams. They used a unique discovery approach and developed team workshops and talent interventions that helped identify and correct underlying team dysfunctions. To date, employee engagement has risen over 20% and sales volume has risen over 35%. Great group at Psyndesis!” 


—  Brian Dutton, SVP Loudoun Pond

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