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Personality assessments, or Psychometrics, look to objectively measure skills, knowledge, abilities, attributes, personality traits, and behavioral tendencies across multiple situations.

The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

The Bright Side of Personality

The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) describes normal, or bright-side personality – qualities that describe how we relate to others when we are at our best. Whether your goal is to find the right hire or develop stronger leaders, assessing normal personality gives you valuable insight into how people work, how they lead, and how successful they will be.


The HPI measures normal personality along seven scales:


Adjustment: confidence, self-esteem, and composure under pressure
Ambition: initiative, competitiveness, and desire for leadership roles
Sociability: extraversion, gregarious, and need for social interaction
Interpersonal Sensitivity: tact, perceptiveness, and ability to maintain relationships
Prudence: self-discipline, responsibility, and thoroughness
Inquisitive: imagination, curiosity, and creative potential
Learning Approach: achievement orientation, valuing education


The HPI measures six occupational scales that predict performance in a specific role:

  • Service Orientation: attentiveness and courteousness toward customers

  • Stress Tolerance: composure, calm under pressure

  • Reliability: honesty, positive organizational citizenship

  • Clerical Potential: self-discipline, meticulousness, and the ability to communicate clearly

  • Sales Potential: energy, social skills, and the ability to solve problems for customers

  • Managerial Potential: leadership ability, planning, and decision-making skills


The HPI was developed specifically for business applications, and identifies the personality characteristics that distinguish individuals and predict career success, making it a powerful tool that can be used throughout the employee lifecycle.

Selection: Selection reports fueled by the HPI inject valuable insight into the hiring process, from measuring candidates’ job fit to highlighting specific areas of strengths and weaknesses.
Development: Our HPI-driven development reports offer actionable management and development suggestions to help you guide careers and development.
Leadership: Normal personality predicts leadership potential. Our leadership reports offer detailed development advice to help your leaders play to their strengths without overdoing it.

Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

The Dark Side of Personality

The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) describes the dark side of personality – qualities that emerge in times of increased strain and can disrupt relationships, damage reputations, and derail peoples’ chances of success. By assessing dark-side personality, you can recognize and mitigate performance risks before they become a problem.


The HDS measures dark side personality along 11 scales. The following describe high scorers:


Excitable: moody, hard to please, and emotionally volatile
Skeptical: suspicious, sensitive to criticism, and expecting betrayal
Cautious: risk averse, resistant to change, and slow to make decisions
Reserved: aloof, uncommunicative, and indifferent to the feelings of others
Leisurely: overtly cooperative, but privately irritable, stubborn, and uncooperative
Bold: overly self-confident, arrogant, and entitled
Mischievous: charming, risk-taking, and excitement-seeking
Colorful: dramatic, attention-seeking, and interruptive
Imaginative: creative, but thinking and acting in unusual or eccentric ways
Diligent: meticulous, precise, hard to please, and micromanaging
Dutiful: eager to please and reluctant to act independently or against popular opinion


The HDS identifies the dark-side personality characteristics that can erode relationships and derail people’s chances of success, making it a powerful tool that can be used throughout the employee lifecycle.

Selection: Selection reports fueled by the HDS inject valuable insight into the hiring process, from measuring candidates’ overall desirability to highlighting specific areas of strengths and weaknesses.
Development: Our HDS-driven development reports offer actionable management and development suggestions to help you guide your employees’ careers.
Leadership: Self-awareness is one of the hallmarks of great leadership. Give your leaders the tools they need to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and how they compare to those of their peers.


Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

The Inside of Personality

The Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) describes personality from the inside – the core goals, values, drivers, and interests that determine what we desire and strive to attain. By assessing values, you can understand what motivates candidates to succeed, and in what type of position, job, and environment they will be the most productive.

The MVPI measures values along 10 primary scales. High scorers are described as:

Recognition: responsive to attention, approval, and praise
Power: desiring success, accomplishment, status, and control
Hedonism: orientated for fun, pleasure, and enjoyment
Altruistic: wanting to help others and contribute to society
Affiliation: enjoying and seeking out social interaction
Tradition: dedicated to strong personal beliefs
Security: needing predictability, structure, and order
Commerce: interested in money, profits, investment, and business opportunities
Aesthetics: needing self-expression, concerned over look, feel, and design of work products
Science: wanting knowledge, research, technology, and data


Values impact every aspect of peoples’ careers. The MVPI helps us understand what motivates people to succeed and in what type of position, job, and environment they will be the most productive, making it a powerful tool that can be used throughout the employee lifecycle.

Selection: Selection reports fueled by the MVPI inject valuable insight into the hiring process. Determine whether candidates’ values are a good fit for their job, work group, or company.
Development: Understanding what drives your people to succeed gives you valuable managerial insight to help guide your employees’ careers.
Leadership: Help your leaders understand how their unconscious biases are likely to influence their decisions about people and projects, and the type of corporate culture their values are likely to create.

Take the

Pearman Personality Integrator Now

With over 1,000,000 unique profiles of personality type, the Pearman Personality Integrator™ (Pearman™) sets a new standard for assessing personality. With an innovative assessment experience coupled with a deeper look into the individuality of personality type, the Pearman provides a measure of personality in one’s natural state (i.e., what is most comfortable) and in one’s every day environment (i.e., what is most often demonstrated). It also explores any disconnects your clients have by providing insight into their level of flexibility, agility and resiliency.

Going back to the roots of personality type theory while incorporating new insights into the way individuals operate in the 21st century, the Pearman is perfectly suited for use with your talent development initiatives.

The Pearman Personality Integrator


What is the NeuroPQ?

The NeuroPQ is a scientific, brain-savvy approach to cognitive skills assessment. The NeuroPQ is an analysis of your skills and personality, and it produces a brain-scan-like report that highlights your hemispheric balance, use of sensory modalities, career skills, and more. It maps 20 brain regions that reflect real mental processes that impact who we are and how we operate, highlighting perception, emotion, decision-making, and behavior.

How is it Like a Brain Scan?

The NeuroPQ was developed using real EEG technology, and the skill areas correspond to actual regions of the neo-cortex, which is the outer layer of the brain that makes us human. The patent-pending tool mimics an actual EEG and delivers brain-based insights with amazing accuracy.

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